Global Leadership

Course Description

Developing intercultural competence is imperative to success in the global workplace. This course will help students develop the skills necessary to interact globally whether at home or abroad. It will lead students to develop a sense of curiosity into the culture and the cultural nuances inherent in the global workplace—behaviors, attitudes and emotions that can be confusing and, at times, exasperating if one doesn’t understand the impacts of culture. Students will learn to move beyond “quick-fix” and “how-to” solutions by asking themselves how they can come to know what they don’t know about global differences, and they will be inspired to extend themselves, humbly and openly, to connect with those who are culturally different.

Course Learning Goals

After completing this course, you will be able to:

If you opt to address an H-5, H-1-A or FX competence, you will be able to:

Course Competencies

In this course, you will develop the following competencies:


Competence Statement and Criteria


Can analyze issues and problems from a global perspective.


Can understand and apply principles of effective intercultural communication to issues of global leadership.


Can effectively apply intercultural theories to global leadership.

For Graduate Students: (Domain): Organizational Effectiveness.  This domain explores the larger systemic contexts within which individuals function. As the world grows increasingly complex and interconnected, the ability to understand and navigate people-in-groups (organizational, societal and global) becomes increasingly critical.  In this domain, students broaden and deepen their capacity to make a difference at ever-widening levels of system. Central questions include: How do we engage as organizational resources, community participants, members of society and global citizens? How do we get along?  How do we get work done? How do we both fit in and remain unique?

Course Resources

To buy your books, go to

All required texts must be purchased for this course. Be sure to purchase the correct editions of the required texts. Do not purchase Kindle versions of the texts as page references are required.

Please note: The Putz, et al. required text, Maximizing Business Results with the Strategic Performance Framework: The Cultural Orientations Guide (6th ed.), must be purchased new. A key enabling access to the online COI will be assigned along with the purchase. Completion and submission of the COI is a requirement of the course.

Required Texts/Reading:

Required for H-5, H-1-A and FX Competences:

Putz, L.E., Schmitz, J., Walch, K. (2014) Maximizing Business Results with the Strategic Performance Framework: The Cultural Orientations Guide (6th Ed.). Saline, MI: Training Management Corporation. (INBN – 13) 978-1-882390-00-7

Mendenhall, M.E., Osland, J.S., Bird, A., Oddou, G.R., Maznevski, M.L., Stevens, M.J., and Stahl, G.K. (2013). Global Leadership: Research, Practice and Development (2nd Ed.). New York: Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-0415808866

E-Reserve Reading:

Earley, P.C. & Mosakowski, E. Cultural Intelligence. Harvard Business Review, October 2004, Vol. 82, Issue 10, pp. 139-146.

George, B., Sims, P., McLean, A.N., & Mayer,D. (2007). Discovering Your Authentic Leadership. Harvard Business Review, October 2007.

Goleman, D. (1998). What Makes a Leader? Harvard Business Review, Vol 76, Issue 6, pp. 93-102).

Jane Collins in France (Case Study). Reinventing Leadership Program, Kellogg Executive Education: Northwestern University.

Lewis, R.D. (2008). Affective Communication, pp. 250-278. In Cross-Cultural Communication: A Visual Approach. U.K: Transcreen.

Lewis, R.D. (2006). United States of America, pp. 179-186. In When Cultures Collide: Leading Across Cultures (3rd ed.). Boston: Brealey.

Lewis, R.D. (2006). “Australia;” “Brazil;” “India;” “Italy;” “Japan;” “Poland;” “Switzerland.  In When Cultures collide: Leading Across Cultures (3rd ed.).  Boston; Brealey.

Petrie, N. 2011. Future Trends in Leadership. Center for Creative Leadership.

Yoshikawa, M. J. 1988. Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Perceptual Development in Cross-Cultural Adaptation: Current Approaches. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Recommended reading (not required):

Bennett, J.M. (1998). Transition Shock: Putting Culture Shock in Perspective. In Bennett, M.J., (Ed.), Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication: Selected Readings. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press.

Bohannan, L. (2001). “Shakespeare in the Bush.” Handout, course packet. Portland OR; The Intercultural Communication Institute.

Drucker, P.F. (1999). “Managing Oneself.” Harvard Business Review (Reprint 99204).

Froggatt, C.C. (2003 ). Leading from a Distance:"The Four Qualities of Good Distance Leaders."

"How to Analyze a Case." Reinventing Leadership Program. Kellogg Executive Education: Northwestern University.

Roberts, L., Spreitzer, G., Dutton, J., Quinn, R., Heaphy, E., and Barker, B. ( 2005.) "How to Play to your Strengths." Harvard Business Review 83(1): 74-80.

Course Grading Scale

A = 95 to 100

A- = 91 to 94

B+ = 88 to 90

B = 85 to 87

B- = 81 to 84

C+ = 77 to 80

C = 73 to 76

C- = 69 to 72

D+ = 65 to 68

D = 61 to 64

F = 60 or below


Grades lower than a C- do not earn credit at the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.

Course Structure

This course consists of ten modules. The estimated time to complete each module is one week. All modules and all assignments are linked to the H-5, and H-1-A Competence Papers (for undergraduate students), to the Philosophy of Global Leadership Paper (for graduate students), and to the Final Project (for both undergrad and graduate students). The following table outlines the course:

Week,  Module # and Title



Week 1, Module 1: The Cultural Self

Putz, et. al., pp. iv-32, 126-135

Mendenhall, et al.,

  • Chapters 1 and 2

Suggested Readings:

"Shakespeare in the Bush" (E-Reserves)

"Managing Oneself" (E-Reserves)

1.0 Syllabus Quiz (You must complete and pass this quiz to access the rest of the course)

1.1 Getting-To-Know-You Questionnaire

1.2 Introductions Discussion

1.3 Online COI. Submit a copy of the online COI through the Drop Box by due date and exchange COI results with Final Project team members.

1.4 Group Operating Agreement

Group Forums

Read about Final Project

Arrange team conference call with instructor to discuss Final Project.

Read about Competence Papers (Undergrad only)

Read about Philosophy of Global Leadership (Grad only)

Week 2, Module 2: Developing a Global Perspective

Mendenhall, et al.,

  • Chapters 4 and 6

Suggested Reading:

"Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Perceptual Development" (E-Reserves)


2.1 Final Project Group Update #1


Week 3, Module 3: Understanding Cultural Context

Putz, et. al., pp. 47-93

Lewis, "United States of America" (E-Reserves)

Being reading Lewis: "India, Brazil, Italy, Japan, Australia, Poland, Switzerland" (E-Reserves) (FX, undergraduate only)

"Jane Collins in France" (E-Reserves)

Suggested Readings:

"How to Analyze a Case" (E-Reserves)

"Transition Shock" (E-Reserves)



3.1 Cultural Orientations Discussion

3.2 Feedback Survey

Week 4, Module 4: Other Ways of Knowing

Mendenhall, et al.,

  • Chapter 9

Lewis, "Cross-Cultural Communication" (E-Reserves)

Watch video: Fawlty Towers; Waldorf Salad

Suggested Readings:

"Leading from a Distance" (E-Reserve)

Lewis, "India, Brazil, Italy, Japan, Australia, Poland, Switzerland" (E-Reserves) (undergraduate only)

4.1 Final Project Group Update #2



Week 5, Module 5: Reaching Across the Cultural Gap

Mendenhall, et al.,

  • Chapter 5

"What Makes a Leader" (E-Reserves)

Suggested Readings:

"How to Play to your Srengths" (E-Reserves)

Lewis, "India, Brazil, Italy, Japan, Australia, Poland, Switzerland" (E-Reserves) (undergraduate only)

5.1 Global Leadership Expertise Development Model (GLED) discussion

5.2 FX Competence Paper Proposal (Undergraduate only)

5.3 Personal Philosophy of Global Leadership Paper, Part One (Graduate only)

Week 6, Module 6: Connecting Here, There and Everywhere

"Cultural Intelligence" (E-Reserves)

"Discovering your Authentic Leadership" (E-Reserves)

6.1 Emotional and Cultural Intelligence Discussion

6.2 Final Project Group Update #3

6.3 Feedback Survey


Week 7, Module 7: What Authentic Leaders Know and Do

Mendenhall, et al.,

  • Chapter 8

Putz, et al., pp. 94-106

7.1 Personal Philosophy of Global Leadership Paper, Part Two (Graduate only)


Week 8, Module 8: Developing the Global Mindset

Mendenhall, et al.,

  • Chapter 7

8.1 Final Project Group Update #4

Week 9, Module 9: Essential Global Leadership Skills

Mendenhall, et al.,

  • Chapter 10

9.1 Discussion – Critical Incident

9.2 Competence Paper H1A

9.2 Competence Paper H5

9.2 Competence Paper FX

9.3 Philosophy of Global Leadership Paper, Part Three (Graduate only)

Week 10, Module 10: The Construct of Global Leadership

Mendenhall, et al.,

  • Chapter 12

Suggested Reading:

"Future Trends in Leadership" (E-Reserves)

10.1 Major Lessons Learned Discussion

10.2 Final Project Group Update #5

Week 11


10.3 Complete Final Project Due

To see course due dates, go to the course home page and click on the Calendar.

Graduate Expectations, Policies, and Other Resources
  1. Adult/Professional Engagement: All course participants (students and instructors alike) are responsible for co-creating the learning space of this course—contributing individual uniqueness while also modulating such for the sake of group learning. In this regard, professional engagement is expected from all—and particularly in areas of difference. Such engagement manifests itself through punctual attendance, thorough preparation, focused and respectful interactions (turning off cell phones and other devices; curtailing side-conversations; active listening; informed contributions; probing questions; involved discussion; open-mindedness; etc.) as well as a high degree of both self-motivation and self-accountability. In addition, as adults, we are all responsible for requesting what we need to improve/sustain learning. The answer may be “yes” or “no”—but, not to request is to leave the matter to chance. For additional information pertaining to DePaul’s Code of Student Responsibility, see:
  1. Academic Integrity (including Plagiarism): DePaul University is a learning community that fosters the pursuit of knowledge and the transmission of ideas within a context that emphasizes a sense of responsibility for oneself, for others and for society at large. Violations of academic integrity are detrimental to the values of DePaul, to the students’ own development as responsible members of society, and to the pursuit of knowledge and the transmission of ideas. Violations include cheating; plagiarism; fabrication; and other forms of academic dishonesty. Violations of academic integrity will be adjudicated in accordance with University policy. For additional information pertaining to Academic Integrity, see the following link:
  1. Participation: In accordance with adult/professional engagement (above) and, in particular, the importance of co-creating the learning space of this course, students are expected to participate and contribute within all class modules. Lack of participation may, at the discretion of the Instructor, impact final grade assignment.
  1. Citation Format: SCPS Graduate Programs has adopted the APA reference style for all papers, presentations, etc. For more information, see most recent edition of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
  1. Incomplete Grades: The intent of an incomplete grade is to allow students extra time to complete their final assignments. Students seeking an “incomplete” (due to unusual or unforeseeable circumstances not encountered by other students and as acceptable to the instructor) are to request such in accordance with the University’s policy regarding incompletes. To request an incomplete, students are to complete and submit the required form in advance of grading deadlines listed in the syllabus. See Contract for Issuance of Incomplete Grade. Instructors are not obligated to accept all requests for incompletes. For additional details and parameters applicable to the IN grade see Graduate Student Handbook. Note: IN grades are not considered by Financial Aid as evidence of satisfactory academic progress.

See also “Graduate Syllabus Addendum” at for information regarding:

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Assessment of Learning

Percentage distribution of Assessments

Grading Category:

Point Allocation

Getting-To-Know-You Questionnaire

5 pts

Online Discussions

30 pts (5 pts/discussion)

Final Project Updates

25 pts (5 pts/update)

Final Project

10 pts

Philosophy of Global Leadership Paper (Grad only)

30 pts (10 pts/submission - Parts 1, 2, 3)

Competence Papers (H-5, H-1-C, FX)

30 pts/competence



Grading Policies and Practices

To complete the course, you must complete each of the assignments as described in the course and submit them to your instructor by the assigned deadline.  In addition, you must participate in the course discussion forum by responding to all instructor requests and by interacting with fellow classmates as necessary.

Assessment will be based upon the following: online participation; timely submission of assignments; the quality of the five iterations of the Final Project and the final deliverable; and all three parts of the personal Philosophy of Global Leadership assignment.

Your instructor will be available to meet with students via conference call, GoToMeeting, or in person. Barring unforeseen circumstances, you will receive feedback on the Final Project updates and the Philosophy of Global Leadership papers within 24 hours. All other assignments will be read/graded as quickly as possible.

Acceptable file formats for Assignments:
Please note that the following file types only will be accepted for all assignments:  .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF, and .RTF.

Late submissions will be neither read nor graded.

Emergency situations should be brought to the attention of the instructor as soon as possible.

General Assessment Criteria for All Writing Assignments

All writing assignments are expected to conform to basic college-level standards of mechanics and presentation.

Consider visiting the Writing Center to discuss your assignments for this course or any others. You may schedule appointments (30 or 50 minutes) on an as–needed or weekly basis, scheduling up to 3 hours worth of appointments per week. Online services include Feedback–by–Email and IM conferencing (with or without a webcam). All writing center services are free.

Writing Center tutors are specially selected and trained graduate and undergraduate students who can help you at almost any stage of your writing. They will not do your work for you, but they can help you focus and develop your ideas, review your drafts, and polish your writing. They can answer questions about grammar, mechanics, different kinds of writing styles, and documentation formats. They also can answer questions and provide feedback online, through IM/webcam chats and email.

Obviously, the tutors won’t necessarily be familiar with every class or subject, but they are able to provide valuable help from the perspective of an interested and careful reader as well as a serious and experienced student-writer.

Schedule your appointments with enough time to think about and use the feedback you’ll receive. To schedule a Face-to-Face, Written Feedback by Email, or Online Appointment, visit

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Online Discussion

Discussion Forums

Discussion Forums are an important component of your online experience. This course contains discussion forums related to the topics you are studying each week. For requirements on your participation in the Discussion Forums, please see “Course Expectations” in the syllabus.

A Course Q & A discussion forum has also been established to manage necessary, ongoing social and administrative activities. This is where the management and administrative tasks of the course are conducted, and where you can ask ‘process’ questions and receive answers throughout the course. Please feel free to answer any question if you feel you know the answer; this sharing of information is valuable to other students.

College and University Policies

This course includes and adheres to the college and university policies described in the links below:

Academic Integrity Policy (UGRAD)

Academic Integrity Policy (GRAD)

Incomplete Policy

Course Withdrawal Timelines and Grade/Fee Consequences

Accommodations Based on the Impact of a Disability

Protection of Human Research Participants

APA citation format (GRAD)

Additional Course Resources

University Center for Writing-based Learning

SNL Writing Guide

Dean of Students Office

Changes to Syllabus

This syllabus is subject to change as necessary. If a change occurs, it will be clearly communicated to students.


This course was designed and produced by faculty and staff at SCPS, School of Continuing and Professional Studies of DePaul University.

© 2017 School of Continuing and Professional Studies, DePaul University. All Rights Reserved by SCPS.
