Externship Fitness

Course Description

This course is designed to address the Externship requirement of the School for New Learning, focusing on the topic of health and fitness. Students will consider their learning styles by revisiting David Kolb’s Learning Styles Inventory first introduced in the initial stages of the SNL program. Learners will develop ways of expanding their learning repertoires, and of examining their own ideas as well as those of experts. Specifically, students will explore how historical and current concepts of fitness play themselves out societally as well as in their own lives. Learners will engage with reading materials and resources to explore various components of fitness, including exercise, nutrition, stress, sleep, and genetic influences. They will choose one component of fitness to focus on, building an action plan for incorporating more of that component of fitness into their daily routines for the duration of the course and beyond. Students will also create an annotated bibliography of fitness-related resources and a creative artifact related to their engagement with the course materials and ideas.

Students will track their own interests through readings, video, interactive online resources, and commentary and reflection on their experiences. 

Course Learning Goals

After completing this course, you will be able to:

Course Competencies

In this course, you will develop the following competencies:


Competence Statement and Criteria


Can reflect on the learning process and methods used in an experiential project.


Can explore and critique political, societal, and personal issues and trends related to the concept of physical fitness.

Course Resources

No books are required. All course resources are located in the course and/or will be the result of your own research. (Erin, the Martha Beck book

Required Reading

DePaul Library e-reserves: Beck, M. (2001) Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live. New York: Three Rivers Press. (Chapter 11: A Map of Change)

CrossFit Journal article: What Is Fitness? http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/CFJ_Trial_04_2012.pdf

Various online resources

Course Grading Scale

This course is designed as a Pass/Fail course. Students may elect to take the class for a letter grade according to the scale below.

A = 95 to 100

A- = 91 to 94

B+ = 88 to 90

B = 85 to 87

B- = 81 to 84

C+ = 77 to 80

C = 73 to 76

C- = 69 to 72

D+ = 65 to 68

D = 61 to 64

F = 60 or below


Grades lower than a C- do not earn credit or competence at the School for New Learning. Students wishing to be graded on this letter grade scale must inform the course instructor of this preference before the end of the 2nd week of the quarter. After the 2nd week, requests for a change in the grading basis cannot be approved.

For SNL courses taken for Pass/Fail, a “Pass” represents a grade of “A” for purposes of financial aid and employer reimbursement.

Course Structure

This course consists of 10 modules. The estimated time to complete each module is one week.

The following table outlines the course:

Week,  Module # and Title



Week 1, Module 1: Discussion of Competences and Review of Preferred Learning Style

Beck, ch 11

1.1: Disc Post on Results of KLSI
1.2: Initial Definition of Fitness
1.3 Journal Entry on Reactions to Fitness in Media

Week 2, Module 2: What Is Fitness?

Definitions of Fitness (various websites)

2.1: Refine Definitions of Fitness
2.2 Identify Non-Fitness Related Influences on Fitness
2.3: Journal Entry on Effects of Influences on Student’s Fitness

Week 3, Module 3:Choose Component of Fitness to Examine

Readings from list of resources

3.1: Discussion: Goal Setting
3.2: First Draft of Timeline and Implementation Plan
3.3: Journal Entry on Fitness Baseline Measures
3.4: Discussion: Identifying Resources and Support People

Week 4, Module 4: Refine Implementation Plan

Readings on visualization

4.1: Journal Entry on Visualizing Success
4.2: Revise and Complete Timeline and Implementation Plan
4.3: Journal Entry on Contacting Support People and Collecting Resources

Week 5, Module 5:Progress on Implementation of Plan and Annotated Bibliography

Resources for developing annotated bibliography

5.1:Discussion: Share and Critique Annotations
5.2: First Draft of Annotated Bibliography

Week 6, Module 6: Documenting Changes

Nothing new assigned; readings students find on their own

6.1: Journal on Retaking Baseline Measures
6.2: Feedback from Support People
6.3: Additional Work on Annotated Bibliography

Week 7, Module 7: Unexpected Byproducts

Beck, change process section

Breaking Muscle article on dealing with resistance from loved ones

7.1: Discussion on Unexpected Byproducts of Change Process
7.2: Journal: Develop Strategy for Handling Unexpected Byproducts
7.3: First Draft of Plan for Artifact Creation

Week 8, Module 8: Progress on Timeline, Bibliography, Artifact

Breaking Muscle article on skill acquisition

8.1:Revised Annotated Bibliography
8.2: Outline or Action Plan for Artifact

Week 9, Module 9: Completion of Timeline and Bibliography, Progress on Artifact

Revisit Learning Preferences inventory

9.1: Discussion on Final Annotated Bibliography
9.2: First Draft of Artifact

Week 10, Module 10:

No additional readings

10.1: Discussion on Comments on Final Annotated Bibliography
10.2: Discussion on Final Draft and Presentation of Artifact
10.3: Revisit Baseline Measures
10.4: Journal Entry on Final Reflections and Next Steps


To see course due dates, click on the Checklist link on the top navigation bar. This page contains module-specific checklists and due dates for the work due in the course.

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Assessment of Learning

Percentage distribution of Assessments

Grading Category

% of Final Grade



Journal Entries


Implementation Plan


Annotated Bibliography







Grading Policies and Practices

To complete the course, you must complete each of the assignments as described in the course and submit them to your instructor by the assigned deadline.  In addition, you must participate in the course discussion forum by responding to all instructor requests and by interacting with fellow classmates as necessary.

Points are deducted for late work.

General Assessment Criteria for All Writing Assignments

All writing assignments are expected to conform to basic college-level standards of mechanics and presentation.

Consider visiting the Writing Center to discuss your assignments for this course or any others. You may schedule appointments (30 or 50 minutes) on an as–needed or weekly basis, scheduling up to 3 hours worth of appointments per week. Online services include Feedback–by–Email and IM conferencing (with or without a webcam). All writing center services are free.

Writing Center tutors are specially selected and trained graduate and undergraduate students who can help you at almost any stage of your writing. They will not do your work for you, but they can help you focus and develop your ideas, review your drafts, and polish your writing. They can answer questions about grammar, mechanics, different kinds of writing styles, and documentation formats. They also can answer questions and provide feedback online, through IM/webcam chats and email. Obviously, the tutors won’t necessarily be familiar with every class or subject, but they are able to provide valuable help from the perspective of an interested and careful reader as well as a serious and experienced student-writer.

Schedule your appointments with enough time to think about and use the feedback you’ll receive. To schedule a Face-to-Face, Written Feedback by Email, or Online Appointment, visit www.depaul.edu/writing.

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Online Discussion

Discussion Forums

Discussion Forums are an important component of your online experience. This course contains discussion forums related to the topics you are studying each week. For requirements on your participation in the Discussion Forums, please see “Course Expectations” in the syllabus.

A Course Q & A discussion forum has also been established to manage necessary, ongoing social and administrative activities. This is where the management and administrative tasks of the course are conducted, and where you can ask ‘process’ questions and receive answers throughout the course. Please feel free to answer any question if you feel you know the answer; this sharing of information is valuable to other students.

College and University Policies

This course includes and adheres to the college and university policies described in the links below:

Academic Integrity Policy (UGRAD)

Academic Integrity Policy (GRAD)

Incomplete Policy

Course Withdrawal Timelines and Grade/Fee Consequences

Accommodations Based on the Impact of a Disability

Protection of Human Research Participants

APA citation format (GRAD)

Additional Course Resources

University Center for Writing-based Learning

SNL Writing Guide

Dean of Students Office

Changes to Syllabus

This syllabus is subject to change as necessary. If a change occurs, it will be clearly communicated to students.


This course was designed and produced by faculty and staff at SNL Online of the School for New Learning of DePaul University.

© 2017 School for New Learning, DePaul University. All Rights Reserved by SNL.
