Advanced Projects (APs)
Sample Advanced Projects:
"Promoting Stress Management in the Workplace" paper and artifact by Katrina Brown.
"How Early Literature Can Impact Career Development During Adulthood" by Joseph Lazar.
"The Essentials: Music Selections for Cultural Learning" by Ronnie Malley.
"The Economic Viability of International Trade from Guatemala to the US" paper and artifact by N. Melisa Portillo.
"Flip the Switch: Generating African American Girls’ Interest in STEM" cover, paper, and three part artifact by Asia Roberson.
"Capitalizing on the Strengths of the U.S. Multigenerational Corporate Workforce" by Theresa Stueber.
"Taking Ownership in Wellness Through Holistic and Integrative Mental Health Treatment Options" paper and artifact by Mary Mischka Dean.
“Empower the Latino Community: Improve Alzheimer’s Outreach” (paper) and “Alzheimer’s Outreach Best Practices Guide for the Latino Community” (artifact) by Maria A. Gallegos.
"Asia: A Community Outreach Program" by Robert Brauer.
"Jane Austen in Film" by Ellen M. Pierce.
"Development of a Treatment Program for Social Anxiety Disorder" (paper) and "The Social Anxiety Treatment Method" (artifact) by Christopher G. Asberry.
"Traumas of Orphanhood" by Carol Brady.
Technology Strategy Plan and Paper by Agnes Krasowska.
"'The Interior Castle': Translation and Analysis" by Alilis López-García.
"An Empowering Curriculum for the African American Student" (paper) and "Teacher Resources for African-centered/Global Education Curriculum in Early Childhood Education" (artifact) by Frances Newman.
"Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace" paper and training manual by Nicole Parker.
"Lean Project Guide to Managing the Design and Development of Interactive Media Projects" (paper) and "Lean Guide to Interactive Media Project Management" (artifact) by Terry M. Patterson.
"SWOT Analysis of Friends of the Orphans" (artifact) and "Analysis of SWOT Analysis" (paper) by Kelly Friskics.
"The Paralegal Profession: An Examination of Its History and Viability in the Current Job Market" (paper) and "The Successful Paralegal: Building a Career in a Fast-Growing and Competitive New Field" (artifact) by Gabrielle Heard.
"An Exploration: How the Arts Impact Teaching and Learning" by Stacey Grieff.
"International NGOs Projects/Programs Design, Implementation and Evaluation Processes in Central Africa" by Claude Chofi.
AP Writing Tasks:
Advanced Projects typically included a product and a substantial research paper. Students work on their Advanced Projects with their professional advisor (PA) and faculty mentor. Advanced Projects are the culmination of the student’s work in his or her focus area. Students submitting APs have three to four writing tasks:
Advanced Project Worksheet – This worksheet helps you brainstorm possible Advanced Project ideas. Once you complete it, share it with your faculty mentor and professional advisor to get their feedback.
Advanced Project Proposal and Contract – Use this form to formally propose your Advanced Project to your committee. You can expect to revise the form a few times as your committee helps you develop, focus and refine your ideas.
The Research Paper – the examples above include a vareity of different papers. Note how each author has adjusted the format and the content of his paper to meet the particular needs of his project. Even more than most SNL competences, there is tremendous variety in the projects and, thus, papers students do for Advanced Project. To get a sense of this variety, look at the examples in chapter 5 of the Foundation’s book.
Some projects, like the poetry chapbook mentioned above, can also be written.
More Help:
See chapter 5 in the Foundations Book for more on the Advanced Project.
Ideas and Examples for the Advanced Project
Student A has dreamed about entering into an entrepreneurial business. For the Advanced Project, she will develop a business plan with a 5-year marketing plan.
Student B will carry out a study proposed in Research Seminar where she will work with a team in her neighborhood to create an alternative to youth sentencing based on Balance and Restorative Justice. Her Focus Area is in Work Studies.
Student C will examine the impact of technology on daily life. He will research computer crime, presenting the types, techniques and relevant law.
Student D will research and develop a counseling program for the treatment of drug and alcohol dependency. This will form part of her Focus Area in human resources.
Student E will analyze the change in management anticipated in the second millennium and the reduction of middle manager positions. She will approach this problem from several points of view including organizational and human resource impacts.
Student F, whose Focus Area is in the construction business, will design a floor plan and architectural blueprint for a new house. She will pay special attention to investigating code and zoning requirements.
Student G will draw up plans, based on his work in Research Seminar, for restoring the ecological balance in several of the canals and channels in the Chicago suburban area. His Focus Area is in Environment and Ecology.
Student H will focus on the investigation of Resource Based Relative Value Scale systems for healthcare reimbursement in order to properly serve the managed care environment.
Student I will explore the short story form, reading, analyzing, and writing about a selection of a dozen or so short stories and write several drafts of her own story. She will also participate in a writers' group for feedback and professional growth.
Student J will define and develop skills in drawing others into a vision, plan, and exercise of lay outreach ministry. His Focus Area is in parish ministry.
Student K will draw on his Focus Area in counseling and his experience as a parent of adopted children. He will design and write a manual for parents of adopted children.
-- from the Foundations of Adult Learning Resource Book, May 2007 |